Separate from reviews and special pieces, The Charlebois Post publishes regular content.
Long and short-form articles by artists, about artists, interviews, profiles, memoirs, biographies, think-pieces - something terrific for your Sunday read. See our separate index of recent Sunday Features
After Dark


Ottawa bureau chief Jim Murchison reviews theatre, acts in theatre, hangs out with theatre people and, generally, knows the ins and outs and whys and wherefores of the art. Each week he shares what has happened in his very (theatre) life. (LATEST)
creating a/broad

Occasional features

One of Canada's premier performers (and a director of no little achievement!) takes to CharPo each month to share an idea, unburden his soul, or inform. (LATEST)

The Abominable Showman
Richard Burnett profiles the young, the great and the offbeat in his very special way. Burnett, a well-known columnist and blogger, gets people to talk - often about things they had no intention of revealing. (LATEST)